Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Last Sunday (22.11.2009) on megaten,
I was online in the morning and my friend whom i hadn't seen for weeks called me (in megaten lol).
I was like "whoa. long time no see. where have you been?"
And then he answered "school, home, out". In my mind I was like "what an answer..."

After chatting a bit through pm, I came to his place (Protopia channel 7) and chatted with him through party tab since he invited me to the party.

In the picture up there you can see him with his demon (Uriel, the angel look-alike one) and me with my demon (Pyro Jack, the one with pumpkin head).

We chatted until no one said anything. Few minutes later I saw that his Uriel moved, so I was like...
(here is some chat log since I'm too lazy to say it one by one =p)

Syhi: lol uriel moved (11:58:48)
ITACHI: yup i moved him so he could be the paster to marry us :P (11:59:18)

So my answer was just...
Syhi: :o (11:59:26)
And he was like...
ITACHI: lol (12:02:45)

I know he was just joking, he does that all the time aye, even though it was the first time he talked bout marriage lol.

He went offline few minutes later and went online again few minutes after that lol.
so we chatted again and when suddenly he was like..
ITACHI>> : im going to bed though (14:37:46)
ITACHI>> : we didnt get married :( (14:38:30)
ITACHI>> : yup now im really sad (14:39:37)
ITACHI>> : you didnt want to marry me :( (14:41:54)
ITACHI>> : when Uri was going to marry us (14:46:52)
In my mind I was like "wtf?! LOLOLOLOL but I didn't say anything though"

such a funny and unique friend aye :)


BCGJS said...


i dont expect that u'll post this pic here! awhhh~

but it's so swett, isnt it? <3

This is TaZya's blog said...

gw g ngerti anime chel.. ho2..
komen k blog gw jg y.. tq!

sabaku_chou said...

@kyla: gambar kan mendukung artikel LOL
@tazya: bukan anime sih :) tapi game xD

Michael Thanatos said...

WEW lw pake kejadian itu buat post lol

sabaku_chou said...

@ando: iya biar seru, g jg ga tw mw post apaan se

a1pha_5tigma said...

itaaa <33

Eveline Melanie said...

game apaan tuh Chel? =)

sabaku_chou said...

@line: shin megami tensei imagine online xD

Shiro-Kun said...

hahaha nice blog chel..nice game too..comment my blog yah..